VSSL 019: Dweller on the Threshold

This week's channeled playlist starts out with a special song channeled by ANOHKI in collaboration with BoomyAI and Mama Brigette and Ashura, who among others, are Keepers of the Gates. These deities are the dwellers on the threshold who offer us guidance in our dreams and in our astral explorations.

#channeledplaylist #dwelleronthethreshold #spiritguide #playlist #channeledmusic #MamaBrigette #MadamBrigette #Brigid #Mumitu #Ashura #Hekate #Goddess #deities #archetypes #dreamwork #shadowwork #darknightofthesoul #anima #animus #spiritworld #psychic #psyche #BoomyAI

The Light Through the Walls

Channeling has really challenged my notions of authorship and self. (A topic for another time.) As I was beginning to sort through our thoughts about this, I received the following message:

The chicken or the egg is a trick question. Each contains the other, they are both manifest and potential at the same time.


Read more of this channeled post on our blog.

#chickenoregg #falsedichotomies #falseduality #falsebinary #trickquestion #manifestenergy #potentialenergy #yinyang #kundalini #selfintegration #wholeself #alchemy #integrativepsychology #MadamBrigette #MamaBrigette #Brigid #Goddess #GoddessesofSensuality #spiritguide #channeledmessage #Thoth #Astarte  Read More »

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