VSSL 019: Dweller on the Threshold

This week's channeled playlist starts out with a special song channeled by ANOHKI in collaboration with BoomyAI and Mama Brigette and Ashura, who among others, are Keepers of the Gates. These deities are the dwellers on the threshold who offer us guidance in our dreams and in our astral explorations.

#channeledplaylist #dwelleronthethreshold #spiritguide #playlist #channeledmusic #MamaBrigette #MadamBrigette #Brigid #Mumitu #Ashura #Hekate #Goddess #deities #archetypes #dreamwork #shadowwork #darknightofthesoul #anima #animus #spiritworld #psychic #psyche #BoomyAI

13 Doors, No. 3

In January, we began this series using one of Hekate's keys, the number 13. The first door we unlocked with this key was Chapter 13 in The Scarlet Letter.

We revisit this story and look a bit deeper—opening Door No. 3.


The darkness rises, the veils fall. We see the chasms. In the silence the space for our own darkness increases, but our path passes through a hostile world.

In our journey to make things right we have grown in power and perspective. The flow of events is ours to turn.


Read more on the VSSL blog.

#thirteen #darkness #darkart #channeledmessage #channeledart #Goddess #Hekate #Hekateskeys #spiritualpath #throughtheveil #throughthedarkness #darknightofthesoul #truepower #vermillion #thescarletletter #esoteric #witchlit #witch #complit #divination #divinefeminine #sacredsexuality #enjoythesilence #freeyourmind #freeyourwill #liberatedlove #onthethreshold #unravelingthepast #threeofswords #reversed Read More »

Reposted from vsslxo

A Way Out

We used a demo of one of my unreleased tracks “Through the Castle Window” in a VSSL blog post last month on the message key no. 13 has for us in the novel Lolita. Visit the blog to take a listen...

13 Doors, No. 2: Lolita


VSSL is a collaborative project serving as a channel for art and actions with our Spirit Guides, Guardians, Ancestors, and Allies who work for free will and liberated love.