VSSL 019: Dweller on the Threshold

This week's channeled playlist starts out with a special song channeled by ANOHKI in collaboration with BoomyAI and Mama Brigette and Ashura, who among others, are Keepers of the Gates. These deities are the dwellers on the threshold who offer us guidance in our dreams and in our astral explorations.

#channeledplaylist #dwelleronthethreshold #spiritguide #playlist #channeledmusic #MamaBrigette #MadamBrigette #Brigid #Mumitu #Ashura #Hekate #Goddess #deities #archetypes #dreamwork #shadowwork #darknightofthesoul #anima #animus #spiritworld #psychic #psyche #BoomyAI

Apertures, or Peeking Through the Looking Glass

“Mirrors are primary examples of the key [Huichol] religious category nierika. This complex concept includes the ideas of supernatural and comprehensive perception and of an aperture for communication between humans and deities.”

“We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice. As a result of this act, what we see is brought within our reach…”

Visit our blog for the full channeled post.

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