Posts tagged #shitpost
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet facilisis ex. Donec vestibulum, nulla sed tincidunt auctor, felis dui lacinia nisi, quis feugiat sapien est eget nunc. Praesent finibus arcu sit amet metus mattis facilisis. Donec lobortis nec orci id mattis. Aliquam tincidunt egestas neque, a scelerisque nunc malesuada sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam maximus velit id erat faucibus molestie.
YouTube channel Kreosan was hacked recently. It was streaming crypto until YouTube took it down. Now the owner of the original channel is uploading old content to another channel named Kreosan Crazy
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is soon to be released so I decided to do a complete reinstall. After booting into Linux Live USB first I've deleted everything from my old install except for the important stuff I needed to keep. Then I've reinstalled the base system using debootstrap and used a script I made to enter the chroot, I installed required packages there to make it boot and to be able to access network. Finally I've installed everything else I needed including graphical interface where a list of installed previously packages would help alot. Such list could be generated by running commands as shown in example below. Read More »
It is not needed if the browser (like the one in most of the Android phones) has it's own progress bar. Double progress bar looks surely weird :\
I was unable to connect to Loforo just recently. Posted on bunch of other platforms, now I'm back. It gets quite annoying when I'm unable to access the site when I'm blocked w/o a proper reason or warning and it's frustrating to wait untill some1 responds to my frustration. Please avoid doing that.
I cannot connect to kyselo using my internet connection. It appears the domain expired as it seems the browser is struggling while trying to find the site.
Update: Kyselo back up.
It appears that reddit is down. Time to use other platforms I guess until it gets back up :\
Edit: No longer down. Just came back up not so far recently.
There's no such feature like that. I miss it so much. There was one in soup before but it never worked.
The Soup as it was before today is no longer available as of this morning, the domain was sold to a news site creator and all old content is gone.
If you backed up all your content you're good otherwise nothing can be helped rn as all the content is now gone.
It appears the posts are now appearing everywhere, like in any microblog such as tumblr/ So this is interesting. Anyway, there's a test inside :D