so, unlike on soup it seems its impossible to delete post from groups - even if you are a member of one. i did accidently sent one post somewhere where it shouldnt be and i cant remove it.

is thissome group admin only feature? hell no idea

Mini Update: Anti-spam for Groups

We've implemented a rate-limit on the number of posts a new user/site can make to groups to limit new users spamming groups with irrelevant posts.

The limit is currently set to 3 times the number of weeks since the site was created (for example: if your site was created less than 7 days ago, the total number of posts to any group that you can make per day will be 3; if you joined 8 weeks ago, you can post 24 posts to groups per day).

Posts to your own site/group are unrestricted regardless of the age of your account.

Reposted from blog

Push Notifications

You can now get push notifications of new notifications you get on your site.

If your browser supports push notifications, you'll see a blue "Subscribe" button on the notifications page.

It's very non-spammy even for high traffic sites and will only send at most 1 notification per 20 minutes (if you've been on the site or have checked the notifications page in the past 30 minutes, you will not receive notifications).

This has currently been tested on Firefox and Chrome browsers. It should also work on the newest version of Microsoft Edge as well as Firefox for Android (it won't work on iOS at this time as Apple hasn't added support for push notifications via the browser). Read More »

Hashtags! #tag your posts

Another highly requested feature, hashtags, have arrived!

You can tag your posts with any keywords to help you and others find posts about a subject or theme.

Adding a hashtag is easy -- goto the "Create post" page and at the bottom, you'll find a place to add 1 or more tags for your posts. You can just tap the pre-set tags we've added or type in your own tags separated by commas.

You and your site's visitors can see the tags for a post below the post and click a tag to see other posts sharing the same tag.

You can also edit your existing posts to add tags to them. Here's a sample tag page for Read More »

Reposted from blog via merelygifted
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