Was not able to log in for a while, thought my blog was deleted.

I was not able to log in, I thought my blog was deleted w/o a warning. Checked later, everything came back to a state like before, nothing gone so far. Anyway, such situations should be avoided when possible, no matter what it was. Updates, deleting blogs w/o a warning, site/hosting/etc bugs, other disruptions including site suddenly not connecting after first page load, etc. At least a warning should be given one way or another to the user and some time/a way/etc for the user to correct anything found would be needed, making sure updates are as minimally disruptive as possible, also not forgetting to fix the site infrastructure including network w/o causing annoyance to the users when possible. As sudden connection drops are extremely annoying, not mentioning site bugs, it may cause an impact to users health,  which might not always end good. I was in a shock for a while until I found that everything was restored later which was not pleasant experience. By avoiding such situations everyone's life would be better, and less unexpected things may happen. Also when I was writing on another site my hand was trembling for a while, and was still pissed off a bit because of that. Read More »

Loforo just broke today

The site was misbehaving for a while. Blog header would show no post/following/etc. count and only 0 followers on the header, while follower page would list all followers w/o problem. A moment before the blog icons/links/etc. would be broken too :\

Edit: Follower count with post/follow/etc. count later came back. Probably site was misbehaving for a while.

Bugs, Bugs everywhere

Loforo is too buggy... Connection issues when page has too many videos, broken layout in some places e.g. on posts with an embed, automatic scrolling not working in tag pages, some tag pages have only one or a few posts while next page might have more, can't switch blog using mouse as menu closes when trying to do that, some occasionally broken images in places, can't drag images to reposition them while using editor, can't insert a new paragraph after image, can't use browser context menu in editor, etc.

Broken user icons in mentions list

Any non-existing/banned/etc user appearing in the mentions list of any post has a broken icon as shown in above screenshot. Also some times interaction count might be wrong as such users might still appear in the mentions list on the direct link to the post. And also links to such users blog always redirect to main loforo page instead of any error page or anything such alike.

Random slow connections on vpn

Some times when using loforo (e.g. scrolling) it suddently stops connecting. Mostly happen when using VPN server hosted in same country (Lithuania) that I'm connecting from. Images and next page loads slower than usual and some times it does not connect at all. Very anoying. Happens multiple times for at least a few days. Not sure what is the cause. Speed test on vpn shows it's ~100 on both up and down Mbps

Edit: It does not appear to be a big slowdown compared to direct connection, as I've tested on a new browser profile, though page load speed decreases on later pages, probably due to browser lag. Read More »

Some posts on loforo appear incorrect

Some posts on loforo appears incorrect. There are styles makes them appear incorrect and loforo does not strip such styles. This makes the ui potentially unusable and/or very annoying to the users who might see those posts. For example there posts that anchor to the top of the page and also take all screen space where it might be impossible to interact with other posts nearby when they are present. Using latest version of Mozilla Firefox on Linux.

Workaround for Firefox users: Add a css to override some styles to userContent.css (located in chrome folder of your Firefox profile), e.g. add something similar to one shown below, also make sure firefox preference Read More »

Curl syntax for uploading images in the API page is incorrect

The image upload example shown below (w/o space added before MyTestPicture so it would not be auto-linked),

curl -d 'key=<your key>' -F 'media=@ MyTestPicture.jpg' -d 'content=<p>A picture is attached to this post</p>' https://loforo.com/api/post/create

also included in api description page does not work, curl fails with messages shown below and no request is sent.

Warning: You can only select one HTTP request method! You asked for both POST 
Warning: (-d, --data) and multipart formpost (-F, --form).

Use this instead (change -d to -F where needed, remove space before MyTestPicture, don't forget to quote html): Read More »

Linux group page is set to private

A blog page of a group I'm in is set to private. This group is visible in group list and has not disappeared from there. The group is for content that is popular on the internet everywhere but the owner set it to private. This is annoying and should never be done for such groups. At least the page should disappear from the group list and the members should to be removed from it in such cases.

Some of recently uploaded videos are still broken

Those videos are hosted on thumbsnap and are still not properly loading. When trying to view such videos on new tab using browser feature to view such video the is redirected to actual video page but the browser shows error like the video was corrupt or in unsupported format. Checking browser console shows 404 page on final url. It appears there's still something wrong or messed up on thumbsnap causing videos not showing properly, like not finished processing, not moved to right place or other unknown problem, etc.

So many broken images on loforo

It appears that the default image hosting provider on loforo is randomly deleting images w/o discretion. This generates alot of broken image posts with images leading to a 404 page. Loforo should either stop using thumbsnap and use alternative service or alternately host images on itself like it was before since a service that randomly deletes content is not reliable for job that it was given.

Edit: it appears that the missing images and videos reappear after some time since they'd been gone, this might be some issue on thumbsnap end and/or they're being restored there where I don't know which is an actual cause being there. Read More »

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