Reposted from juozaspo via ksx4system
Reposted from juozaspo via ksx4system
Posts tagged #reddit
Gotta agree with the 2nd sentence. I don't have a diagnosed personality disorder btw, but with hyperactive imagination it's possible to alter memories, and therefore create your own truth. Kinda helps getting over traumatic events (just a bit).
Also there's Photoshop and After Effects.
The general idea of putting people in a pedestal is that they praise the person but truth is, at the same time they're also putting them in a difficult, suffocating position. The higher they are from the ground up, the higher the expectations. Not to mention being the target of everyone's envy, being in a pedestal attracts a lot of people who are dying to knock you off & take over.
This was how I see my copying victims back in my teenage years, cuz I see them as superior, essentially put them in a pedestal they didn't ask for and plotted to knock them down & take over their so-called place. Thinking back they never even asked for this treatment in the first place. It's all my inferiority complex & me being envious. Read More »
If anyone asks why a lot of millenials are going child-free (or god forbid, people think we "started the trend") & going against our parents/grandparents' idea that children are God's gifts or an investment to go to heaven, I'm gonna show them this. Basically we're more aware of our capabilities and conditions (besides income) and the ideal living conditions required to raise a child, if one or two those requirements are impossible to meet then better to not have a child at all.