Faulheit in der Sprache

Aus einer modernen Job-Beschreibung:

"Der StelleninhaberIn sichert ab …"

Ich kürze ja auch gerne ab und nutze Auslassungen, doch die erhebliche Verkürzung von "Die Stelleninhaberin bzw. der Stelleninhaber" auf obige Form kann ich nur mit der Faulheit so mancher Neuzeit-Poeten begründen. Dabei sollte moderne Technologie wie Autovervollständigung oder Copy'n'Paste die längliche Schreibweise einfacher gestalten als damals mit der Schreibmaschine.

Reposted from karlmurks

What’s the best Indonesian word or phrase that should be adopted into English common usage?

Alaudin Awang Noor:


I was surprised when I couldn't translate this word to English in Google Translate. I mean, it's such a simple, common word.

Quick Google search gave me this: "Titip": A truly Indonesian phenomenon?

Along with many others.

Turns out that in English, they didn't have any single idea about this concept of having someone do our job a little for free.

So, what is 'titip', really?

For example, say that I live with my brother. I have some friends, including this one girl which he had a crush on. Here are some examples where this ‘titip’ could be happening:

  • One day, I'm going to go to her house. My brother wanted to give her a flower, but he didn't have time to meet with her directly. Then he asked me to bring the flower, and when I arrived, I will give it to her (and let her know that it's from my brother). In this case, my brother 'titip' a flower to me (to send it to someone else). Read More »