Kalau di Indonesia ada Wedang Uwuh, di #Spanyol juga ada minuman hangat bernama Vino Caliente! Minuman yang terbuat dari anggurini cocok banget diminum saat cuaca dingin, bisa untuk menghangatkan badan loh!
Reposted from mintchocarus
Posts tagged #indonesia
Kalau di Indonesia ada Wedang Uwuh, di #Spanyol juga ada minuman hangat bernama Vino Caliente! Minuman yang terbuat dari anggurini cocok banget diminum saat cuaca dingin, bisa untuk menghangatkan badan loh!
Laughing so hard rn because OP quote-tweeted this & people were angry saying Local58 came first, COMPLETELY missing the point that they're not claiming Indonesia started analog horror first (everyone knows the US made it a thing & Local58 came first) It's the fact that Americans use analog horror as a response to the devastating result of the election RIGHT AFTER Indonesians use analog horror as a response to the infuriating law passed by the government that puts us all in a disadvantage.
theres a yuri art trend going on about japanese women and korean women dating each other after japanese women and korean women were mutually aligning against the misogyny of the men in their cultures. all of asia next imo
malay ladies... let's set aside our differences for a second in the name of yuri and combating misogynistic malay and indonesian men...
my take on malindo / indomalay 🇲🇾🇮🇩 yuri....
(I'm soooo sorry to my malay queenies if I got the language wrong... I only used a Google translate and tried to make it as natural as possible T_T)
Theme art, indonesia kids in beautiful island.
🇦🇺 lets build barriers so people don't jump
🇺🇸 lets put nets up so people wont fall
🇮🇩 lets perform an exorcism to prevent people from offing themselves
One of these things is not like the others.
When you live in a place where criticizing your own country openly is prohibited so you find aliases for it but found out one of the aliases actually work as an acronym
For some reason I knew it's gonna be cities in Jabodetabek, but totally wasnt expecting Bandung
Just wanted to bring up a good point from this guy regarding Nas Daily's recent videos while he was in Indonesia. Thousands of us were pissed at this Bali video (though some of his other videos are shedding a positive light on local heroes). All this, with saying Bali is the whitest place in Indo and how everything is cheaper there, it all sounds & feels like exploitation.
This Minang mosque in West Sumatra made it to the top 201 best mosques from 43 countries, and it's also design to be earthquake-safe with easy evacuation.
TL;DR being goth sucks when you live in a humid tropical climate, black clothes turn coffee brown when hung out in the sun for not even that long, the roads are dusty & you'll get dust in your eyes a.k.a. watery itchy eyes a.k.a.make-up getting ruined.