Linux group page is set to private

A blog page of a group I'm in is set to private. This group is visible in group list and has not disappeared from there. The group is for content that is popular on the internet everywhere but the owner set it to private. This is annoying and should never be done for such groups. At least the page should disappear from the group list and the members should to be removed from it in such cases.

so, unlike on soup it seems its impossible to delete post from groups - even if you are a member of one. i did accidently sent one post somewhere where it shouldnt be and i cant remove it.

is thissome group admin only feature? hell no idea

Mini Update: Anti-spam for Groups

We've implemented a rate-limit on the number of posts a new user/site can make to groups to limit new users spamming groups with irrelevant posts.

The limit is currently set to 3 times the number of weeks since the site was created (for example: if your site was created less than 7 days ago, the total number of posts to any group that you can make per day will be 3; if you joined 8 weeks ago, you can post 24 posts to groups per day).

Posts to your own site/group are unrestricted regardless of the age of your account.

Reposted from blog
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