World Eaters 331st Gladiator Cadre

So I got to the old Khorne Berserkers. And since I painted red and brass a lot in the last months, I went for an alternate paintjob. 

So, from left to right, you see the approach:

1. Priming/Grounding: Citadel Base Corax White

2. Inking recesses. Vallejo Game Color Red Wash (sadly comes out rather pink than red)

3. Secondary Base: Citadel Contrast Leviadon Blue (as almost always, I keeled the open pot over. Well, let's call that a sacrifice to the paint god.)

4. Details. Metal parts: Vallejo Game Color Dark Gunmetal, inked with Vallejo Game Color Black Wash.

Joints, hoses: Citadel Base Mechanicus Standard Grey, inked with Vallejo Game Color Black Wash. Read More »

Showcase WH40K Combat Patrol: Orks

So... some more WH40K content. This is Combat Patrol: Orks.

One of the hardest painting projects so far. Because this box SUCKS. 25 miniatures. 24 of it Monopose. 

I was critical of the new Boys kit before. It turned out to be even worse.

No way to build a squad according to the rulebooks. Had to dive into my bitsbox for some ACCEPTABLE kitbashing. Then I realized: They are not even the SAME SCALE. 

These are not minis for the game. They are glorified placeholders. Less for more cash. 

Which equals to: no fun painting and thinking about how to field them.

Wer braucht schon vorgefertigte Kits?

Alpha Legion Chosen. Kitbash aus Chaos-Bits und Beakie-Marines. Kombibolter von den Termies. Farbe ein kleiner Flashback zu meinen ersten CSMs, DoWII-Chaos Rising und dem Farbschema aus der Horus Heresy - Ära aus dem Codex.

Hier hab ich nicht mit Talassar Blue gearbeitet, sondern dem viel dunkleren Leviadon Blue. Auch lasiert habe ich nicht, stattdessen Kantenakzente mit Citadel Caliban Green. Die Legionssymbole sind freihändig gemalt.

Tja, die Alpha Legion hat die der Raven Guard geraubte Corvus-Rüstungen gut ausgenutzt...

Lernäer Termies

Chaos Terminatoren, Alpha Legion. Gut geworden, denke ich.

Basis: Leadbelcher Spray

Panzerplatten: CitadelTalassar Blue Contrast, lasiert mit Citadel Hexwraith Flame Technical.

Metallränder: Vallejo Black Wash, beschichtet mit Citadel Stormhost Silver.

Das Schuppenmuster ist Citadel Temple Guard Blue, aufgemalt vorm Lasieren.