THIS A MILLION TIMES THIS. I mean it’s common sense. Would you rather stay home and calmly work on your assignment or would you go to work having constant mental breakdowns and ruining everyone else’s day?

And even if your job requires you to be present on the spot, say if you work in retail, if you're not mentally well enough to work that day you're better off recovering at home rather than, again, ruining everyone else's day with your mental breakdowns.




Was reading a Reddit thread where a girl was accused of saying the n-word for speaking Hindi I just realized there are many Asian languages that has a word similar to it:
Korean has naega (I)/niga (you)
Mandarin has nèige (uuh)
Indonesian has ngga (no)
Hindi has nigah (eyesight)

Here's the thread I think this issue becomes more common especially nowadays when the westerns are getting more exposed to Asian cultures & languages At least us who interacts with int. ppl ever heard/experienced this interaction (hello kpop stans lmao) Read More »