Reichstag demnächst mit Burggraben

Die gewählten Volksvertreter haben Angst vor dem Volk und schotten sich immer weiter ab. Auf Basis eines Beschlusses von 2018 fangen nun die Bauarbeiten zum Burggraben vor dem Reichstag an. Ein Graben mit einer 2 m hohen Mauer darin soll also verhindern, dass der Pöbel den Reichstag stürmen kann. Ausgeführt als sogenannter „Aha-Graben“ um den Ausblick aus Richtung des Gebäudes nicht zu ruinieren.

„Künftig wird ein neuer, fest installierter Zaun zusammen mit dem „Aha“-Graben den sogenannten Sicherheitsperimeter bilden. Dieser wird für Besucher dann nur noch über den unterirdischen Tunnel überwindbar sein. Das Umfeld des Reichstagsgebäudes wird sich in den kommenden Jahren also stark verändern.“ Read More »

Reposted from karlmurks

Seriously, Loforo? WTF IS THAT?!

Couldn't we be free at least  here from any american politics? I'm pretty sure most of us aren't from the US anyway. It's supposed to be a safe space. A form of escapism. Stop shoving such things down our throats FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Or at least stop hijacking the whole site with that. We don't need that here. 


If you want to make any personal statement regarding those elections on your official profile, so be it. But don't force it upon us. You can't even see the recent posts, because that covered it all. 

Reposted from mtsen via dii997

Propaganda aus Amsterdam

Habt ihr von den angeblichen antisemitischen Ausschreitungen in Amsterdem gehört? Nun, das fand so nicht statt. Und zum Teil wurde sogar das genaue Gegenteil der Tatsachen durch deutsche Medien verbreitet:

"[…] Um dieses brutale Vorgehen gegen die israelischen Fans zu illustrieren, griffen Zeit Online, Deutsche Welle, Bild, FAZ oder die ARD-„Tagesschau“ auf ein Video der Fotografin Annet de Graaf zurück, das sie auf X geteilt hatte. Wie sich nun herausstellte, stellt dieses Video jedoch das Gegenteil von dem dar, was die Redaktionen berichteten: Das Video zeigt keine Angriffe auf israelische Fans, sondern Angriffe von Maccabi-Fans auf andere Personen Read More »

Reposted from karlmurks

a few takeways from this video

1. The number of vehicles in Jakarta (23 mil) are almost twice the number of people who live in the city (11 mil)

2. being the center of several industrial towns (e.g. like Bekasi & Karawang), therefore being the center of pollutants (brought to the wind entering from other cities to Jakarta)

3. Jakarta isn't exactly the ideal town for its citizens as it has no room for them for self-improvement, neither does it has room for the development of the city.

4. The citizens really dgaf about dealing with pollution in the city & other problems; they dont feel like its their responsibility solely. Read More »

Lies and Cover Ups: Business as usual at the Mesa Police Department

The public is routinely deceived by the Mesa Police Department through intentional misinformation and disinformation spread via social media and press releases. 


Mesa, Arizona - Video evidence captures Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman shooting Shawn Gagne in the face through a window and continuing to fire while Gagne remains on the phone with negotiators.

The Mesa Police Department defended the officers involved in the shooting, promoting their use of deadly force based on misleading and false information. They released statements suggesting that Gagne had engaged in an exchange of gunfire with the police, claiming he shot at them before Freeman shot him in the face. Read More »

Mesa Police Officer's Violent Rampage: Shawn Freeman's Destruction of Family's Belongings

Mesa, Arizona - This incident of Domestic Abuse involves Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman callously throwing his girlfriend and babies’ belongings onto the filthy garage floor and even disposing of them in the trash. Shawn Freeman’s girlfriend and baby were locked in the bathroom while he screamed threatening obscenities at them and destroyed their home and belongings. 

Here is a video showcasing some of the aftermath of Shawn Freeman’s Destruction of his Girlfriend and Child’s Property.


This is another disturbing episode involving Shawn Freeman who has a long demonstrated history of abusive conduct. This concerning behavior highlights a pattern of violent and destructive outbursts, raising serious concerns about his character and the safety of those around him.  Read More »