10 Cat Behavior Books With Techniques To Tame Your Feisty Feline

Cats are fascinating creatures with intricate behaviors that can both delight and perplex their human companions. Whether you’ve recently adopted a new cat or have been living with a spirited feline for years, understanding their behavior is essential for building a harmonious relationship. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore cat behavior, common issues, and effective techniques to help you create a well-adjusted and contented cat.

Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior

1. Body Language Insights

  • Tail Position: A relaxed, gently swaying tail indicates contentment, while an upright tail signals confidence. Conversely, a puffed-up tail suggests fear or aggression. Read More »


are also known as the otter cat because of their physical similarity to the aquatic mammals. This small cat is found from Texas to Argentina, and it particularly thrives in dense rainforests where it must avoid the much bigger jaguar that is known to be one of their predators.  photo: Paul Williams

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