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Szczerze to dostałam ataku panki, niedobrze mi nie wiem czy sobie jednak poradzę z jeszcze jednym kotem, nie wiem za bardzo co robić, eh ,
Cancel-Culture Mimimi des Monats:
Geologie ist rassistisch. Weil weiße Menschen nun mal keinen vernünftigen Bezug zu Steinen haben können.
“To tell a story of rocks is to account for a eugenic materialism in which white supremacy made surfaces built on racialised undergrounds…” she wrote.
She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism, labelling it “pale-ontology”.
Hört dieses Opfergejammer von haargefärbten und ansonsten weißen Studentinnen auch mal wieder auf?
(via: maschinist)
For so long I thought that if I let someone in they’d hurt me. That’s what I saw growing up. That people walk all over you when you let them in.
Lauren Blakely, My favorite holidate