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I come today proving that my cause is not a lost one, because today I'm going to once again show that Yes, It Can Be Done!
The 80's in the world of anime saw a lot of influence from Mobile Suit Gundam. One of the ways it did so was by inspiring Sunrise, the studio that made Gundam to create series similar to it, like Fang of the Sun Dougram and Armored Trooper VOTOMS. Today's case comes from another of these Gundam knockoffs, Panzer World Galient.
In this case, we have a girl, Chiruru, trying to create a distraction. She's playing a sleepwalking girl who apparently sleeps nude, and while this is happening the boy of similar age is out stealing a giant robot that's patrolling the area. Once captured, Chiruru jumps for joy, then covers herself upon remembering she's naked. Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale