atomjack we've come a long way, so let's get this party started... #astronauts #crash land #mammals #milk crate #djs #get this party started #painting
fluktuant dumpster diving at the wafflehouse... #dumpster #dumpster diving #diving #raccoons #score #waffle house #painting Reposted from atomjack via robints
atomjack imprinting... #imprint #close encounters of the third kind #railroad crossing #ufo #1978 #painting
citylife to protect and to rock... #robocop #journey #steve perry #microphone #painting Reposted from atomjack
rofiart1 pointilism 2 acrylpainting on canvas ,#acryl #painting #art #malerei #abstract #acrylic #kunst #pointilism
rofiart1 paintingV Acryl Painting #acryl #painting #malerei #art #kunst #acrylic #nature #landscape #abstract
gloegg magritte burroughs remix... #rene magritte #surrealism #painting #apple #hat #wsb #william s burroughs #remix Reposted from atomjack
atomjack do i LOOK like a motherfucking wizard?... #question #samuel l jackson #pulp fiction #the wizard of oz #wizard of oz #mashup #painting