Shandyaconvomf💭 Speechless banget ada psikopat yang m*tilasi istri sendiri katanya dapet bisikan ghaib biar jadi kaya raya 😭😭Can you imagine how many “bisikan ghaib” cases in Indonesia that’s just undiagnosed schizophreniaGw pernah tanya ke dosen:
"Mba, kenapa fenomena kesurupan prevelant di Indonesia tapi gak di negara lain?"
Terus beliau jawab:
"kebanyakan itu kasus Schizophrenia yang gak di diagnosis"
Here's a heat map of Schizophrenia cases, Indonesia have a way higher rate than any other
For the record here's the video about the case about a man who mutilated his wife & people have been suspecting him of having schizophrenia Read More »