DuckTales: Solo Streak Part 2

Link to part 1...


Chapter 3: Shared Experiences

Overcoming her shock, Lena's beak curled upwards, "Not what I was expecting when you said we should come over for a girls' night. Never would have pegged you for a streaker."

"It would seem our rendezvous has slipped your mind," intoned Violet, unruffled as usual, "Unless nudism was part of the event's agenda you lacked to mention."

Webby's shrill laughter bordered on hysteria wishing the earth would swallow her whole.

"No. I hadn't planned on it. Or being caught." she said ruefully.

"Would it assuage your embarrassment if we were also to shed our cloth articles?" inquired Violet, one hand each already resting on her shirt's hem and pants' waistline. Read More »

DuckTales: Solo Streak Part 1


Webby has all of McDuck Manor to herself for the weekend and decides to advantage of it! (with unfortunate results)

This story contains nudity but it is depicted in a non sexualised manner


Chapter 1: The Whole Place to Herself

Webby has lived in McDuck Manor all her life and she wouldn't have it any other way. Having said that, she wasn't home alone very often.

Growing up Scrooge haunted the place long before Duckworth was resurrected and when he made his rare excursions to the outside world, Granny was around to wage eternal war on the dust bunnies encroaching on friendly territory or imparting lessons on survival, interrogation, and field combat dressing. Read More »