Cornflower Surprise

I always thought Cornflowers are blue. And the Junglebox gave me about 8 blue Cornflowers so far. But now i have those:

That's how the regular blue ones look.

It remains a mystery why they are so colorfull,but i decided to handle it as a gift. Lucky me,yay!!11

Reposted from oneeyed via manxx

Flower Updates

The first of the Kornflowers popped open. And it'S a Pink one. This Year will have more strange colored kornflowers,because thats where i got the seeds from.

Also,i have Roses, cause they were standing there all alone and i had a space to fill. So,thats how they look right now.

Thats a special Premium Product. You can tell because it has it's own Maintenance Guy, a Flying Flower-Tech. He is scheduled for the yellow one this Morning.

Seems to be in a good mood,is permanently humming some Song.

Oh,and last Year,the Studentflowers didn't have it that good,because they were buried under fast growing Lupines. So they got their own Box this Year,whre they can catch better Light. Thats how they shine today. Read More »

Last Box has been filled

I have today filled the last Box with Flowers. I did struggle to find something that fits,and now i'm happy with it. Quite colorfull balcony i got now. Have a look.

Thats the surviving Malve. She decided to have some Color. Who needs leaves anyways?

This is the Petunia-Field.They go off like crazy and i love them for that.

And my Camera makes the Night Skys much more blueish than they are in real.

These are the Newlings from today. Something red and something extremly orange,and the right flank goes smoothly into the next Box. Oh,and there are roses in between.Because i got a Pot of Bush-roses and put them there. Cause i could. Read More »

Reposted from oneeyed

Floral Enthusiasm

This one survived the Winter. It started very early this Year to make new leaves. It spread out with tiny Liane-like twigs. And now it said: "You know, what the heck,i'm gonna bloom the shit out of everything."

Crazy Stuff. I do nothing except putting water in.

Reposted from oneeyed

This Years Balcony Garden

Okay than, here some Impressions from the current Garden State

I have the surviving Lavender,that made it back up again.

Thats on the right.The left side is one of this Years Jungleboxes,but with less seeds in it,so they have more space to grow. That Brench laying around there is the surviving Malve from last Year.She got free roaming rights for that part of the balcony.

and i have another Jungle Box.

This one will have a lot of new Malves in it,as it turns out. Gonna be a purple Autum :-)

Than there is the one Bo with the Surviving Petunias. The Candy colored are spreading and blossoming like ther eis no tomorrow,the ones in the middle are a bit struggeling to get the foot on th egas,and they are guarded and inspired by the other Nightsky Flower. Read More »

Reviving my Balcony Garden

Winter is over,i'm starting up this thing.

Thats the one Surviver from the Winter. The Lavender did survive,was nearly gone,but after i removed all the dryed stuff, it grew Back to this by now. And somethign with tiny white Blossoms survived too and is clinging to it like lianes. And you see on the right side the jungle box,this time more carefully arranged,with less plants and more  space.

thats the Other Surviver. The Candycolored Petunia. It even starts blooming.

A special recognition award seems apropriate toward the Enthusiasm that Petunia brings in, since it was nearly dead as the lavender but it has already proper Blossoms. And more to come. The rest has to be done soon, but i couldn't find all the plants that i want now. I hope they come up soon in the Shops around here. Read More »

Summers last Smile

nearly all Plants are going down on my Balcony,summer is over. I got a lot of seeds for next year. But the Petunies,they don't care. The white and the black ones, and the tiny allcolored ones,i got as replacement for early leavers. Got 2 shots today, quite shiny.

Reposted from oneeyed

New Flowers appeared

I got some newcomers.

This One came out of nowhere,stayed exactly one day,and was gone again.

Than i got finally the Ringelblumen going,which is nice.And adds some Fire.

Some of them group themselfs by accident for nice color contrast.

And there is a new one i don't know yet, seems to be a single Specimen so far.

And as for the junglebox,well,it grow into the Lavenderbox next to it,and the Sunflower box ,which had some small amount of jungleseeds... i think it'S a good thing that Sunflowers go strong.It is a jungle now.I expect every morning now i find a Rabbit or a Deer or a Tiger or some other jungle-Citizen on my balcony. (i hope click to enhance will work on this one) Read More »