Originally posted on Blog.com

Initially I wanted to make this journal entry’s intro a bit Twenty-One-Pilots-ish but I can’t find the words to fit this so-called attitude.

To keep it brief I like being presented two things of the same kind in different colors. It doesn’t have to be two, the more the merrier. Different colored shirts or watches of the same kind, anything, and they seem to sorta show up everywhere. Scratch that extra baggage, let’s talk color schemes and combinations.

People might not get why I pay attention to some color schemes, they only think I like how those two or more colors appear together. To be honest some color combinations triggered glimpses of certain periods of time in my creative process, where it brings bitter memories but sweet sensations, usually peppered with different fandoms & the usual copying and envy vicious cycle. Sometimes I wish I could re-live those moments but I want to change the storyline completely, eliminating embarrassing mistakes and maximizing the strength of those color bombs in my head but it seems like on their own, said color bombs are already strong enough to poison my brain from time to time. Read More »