My body is the canvas.






The beauty of humanity lies in the diversity.
Every single person is a world on its own, waiting to be discovered and explored.
There are no limits since the actual limit is the mind and the heart.

Living, is what you make of your life.
In its essence, living is art in its most pure state since our body and mind is the canvas and the ink.
Living is an art where we can create a masterpiece with all the scraps and rests of the pieces that were left of ourselves after facing countless challenges that made from us, the ones we are today.

It's a matter of mindset, of inner strength. Read More »

Five Diabetes Warning Signs & Symptoms: Are You at Risk?

Hi and Welcome,

Are you feeling constantly tired or hungry? Don't dismiss these signals; they could be your body's way of warning you about diabetes.

  1. Unrelenting Fatigue?

Did you know that one in four people with diabetes remains unaware of their condition? Persistent tiredness is often a sign. Low energy levels can be an early indicator of pre-diabetes, stemming from low blood sugar levels. Listen to your body's cues.

>>> (PLR) Premium Medical Content By Doctor Loy: Diabetes wellness

  1. Endless Hunger?

Ever feel like you're always hungry, even after eating? Unceasing hunger can be a significant red flag. Our bodies transform food into glucose (sugar) for energy. For those with diabetes, this transfer process malfunctions, leading to persistent hunger. Read More »

“When you see him, I want you to do something for me.”

“What’s that?”

“Ask him if he feels like he might die if he doesn’t get to touch you again.”

I frown. “Why would I ask him that?” I whisper.

“Because there’s another man who does.” The phone clicks as he hangs up.


T. L. Swan, The Stopover 

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