FLOATY oat pillow snacks

There's this snack called Floaty that's been going around shaking the Indonesian Twitter community. It's a normal human snack, the designers just added the AI cat for cuteness & designed it like *that*

Lah😭😭 aku ketipu FLOATY ini snack manusiaa tag kira makanan kucing😭 penasaran jdnya nnt coba beli lah🤣siapa yg uda nyobain

"Bruhh 😭😭 they had me good FLOATY this is a human snack I thought it was cat food I was curious so I got it 🤣 who else has tried?"

💚 cw // TikTok Kan apa gue bilang, bener aja masuk ke etalase makanan kucing.. lagian packagingnya ambigu 😭😭😭🫵🏻 Read More »
favorite photo of all time not even joking


FUN FACT! I've seen this post on various blogs for quite some years and I can finally tell you guys: I know this cat! It is THIS VERY ONE:

The bar is called Prik obviously, it's in Amsterdam, and last time I checked, the cat is called "Prikkedik" (I've left Facebook a long time ago so maybe they've replaced her since, idk).

It's also a very nice gay bar with Very Nice People by the way. Highly recommended if you want a gay cocktail in Amsterdam Centrum (10-15 mins walk from Cantral Station). The cat may be hard to find when it's busy on evenings. Read More »