You put all these walls up, but your heart still wants what it always has…and always will. Pain, hurt, loss - that’s the price we all pay for loving and being loved in return. You can choose to live or choose simply to exist. But don’t fool yourself that existing is free from danger. It’s just a different kind. Pick your poison.


Dylan Allen, Then Came You 

Koi no yokan 恋の予感 (japoński) - kiedy spotykasz kogoś pierwszy raz i wiesz, że się w sobie zakochacie. Pochodzi od „miłości od pierwszego wejrzenia”, ale nie oznacza uczucia zakochania, tylko przekonanie, że ta miłość jest nieunikniona.

So I learned to not rely on anyone. Since I was a teenager, I’ve thought my fear of getting close to people was because I was afraid of losing them. But I think maybe I was more afraid that there was no one out there afraid of losing me.

Vi Keeland, The Game

Reposted from mefir via oneeyed


“To dance—artlessly, with no grace, no skill, but always with enjoyment. All you have to do is ask. I will always be here to balter with you.”

Parker S. Huntington, Devious Lies 

Reposted from mefir

“What’s lagom?”

My hands fell to his chest, thrilled by his heart’s tempo. It matched mine. “Not too little. Not too much. Just right.”

I didn’t believe in perfect, but I believed in lagom.

It meant right, but not necessarily perfect.

And in a world filled with devious lies, it was a truth I latched onto.

(...) “Why not say perfect?”

I shook my head, appalled by the idea. “Perfection is unattainable. It’s stained by the suffering required to chase it. Perfect is something you think with your head. Lagom is something you feel with your heart.”

Parker S. Huntington, Devious Lies 

I was trying to think nice thoughts, I really was, because I could be too hard on people. Especially men. My Mam always told me I was too hard on them. She said that I had probably told my soul mate to go to hell at some point in my life. Seeing as he was too scared to disobey me, he probably did.

Bella Di Corte, Marauder 

Reposted from mefir